Has isolation spring cleaning well and truly hit? Have you have finished all of the cupboards? Refolded all of the sheets? Organised that kitchen drawer? You know the one, screwdrivers, pens, random bread ties, a marble and at least a few pieces of Lego rescued from the vacuum cleaner.
Maybe in your travels through the recesses of your cupboards you found that special piece of china from your Grandma? Or a unique collection of items that you inherited or you yourself collected a long time ago?
These momentos can tell special stories about yourself, your family and your history. Here are some ways to share your family's story by displaying them in your home. I have included some technical tips and tricks....because sometimes these can be the undoing of many a great plan!

Dinnerware is diverse and unique and can create a beautiful feature on any wall. They may or may not match, they may or may not be the same size or even the same shape. Really anything goes, but here are a couple of tips that might help.
Whilst the plates on the right are not matching in the traditional sense, they do share small details of blue and gold. So, because the colours can be seen on each plate it creates an echo between each piece.
Below is a completely different story! Eclectic all the way, varied in size, colour, shape with even a few baskets thrown in. This collection tells a story that is vibrant, fun and interesting.
Lastly a very symmetrical arrangement of pieces that are completely uniform in their shared colour palette. The similar colours aid in highlighting the different patterns on each plate.
At the end of the day it doesn't really matter how you decide to do it......it is your story to tell so do it your way.
Did you find a unique and unusual assortment of bits? Maybe a box with all of Aunty Betty's spoons? Or even an envelope filled with the matchbooks (remember those?!) you started collecting when you were a teenager. Or a book of stamps!
Here are a few ideas of how you might display or enjoy these unique items as a way of decorating your home.
All of these collections have the same thing going for them, sheer numbers. Individually each item is beautiful but collectively they are dramatic, eye catching and memorable. Amassing them together only adds to their uniqueness, in fact it creates an opening for you to tell a memorable story about how, why, where and who.
You can hang them on the wall au naturel or if it is a collection of smaller items have them framed en masse. All of them lined up in a large frame would create quite a spectacular sight.
So if you have a lot of the same sort of thing, show them all! Don't hold back, you won't regret it.
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